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Sex cards

Screenshot 2020-07-02 at 3.33.16 PM.png

Size : 28 x 39.5 in

Silk Screen prints

Screenshot 2020-08-03 at 10.11.59 PM.png

Size : 28 x 39.5 in

Silk Screen prints

Living and studying in Kings Cross, I would see these cards as I walked to and from Saint Martins. They are something that is never spoken about but people walk past them every day. We never discuss them. I would find them ripped up or on the floor, they are perceived as having no value, but by transforming them into a 4 layer screen print I give them value because of the time and process that goes behind it. Having student friends who have been sex workers to fund their education may have influenced the making of this collection. They start a conversation most of us are reluctant to have. They are also very relevant to Kings Cross because of its history and of how it's gentrified today. To start with I was only looking for ones with kings cross stamped on them, they became like galleries to me where I would look at artworks and I would see them differently. As an artist, I am a reflection of my environment. Over the next year, I plan to complete a collection of 10, each with their own location stamps, which would map out all of London.

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